Wirthwein - We form sustainability
We put words into action
As an international market and technology leader for advanced plastics technology, we see it as our duty to harmonize the effects of our operations with the expectations of society.
Responsibility: We are responsible for meeting current needs without burdening future generations. Not only does this apply to our own processes, but also to our cooperation with our customers and suppliers and our commitment to society.
Environment:Wirthwein has set itself ambitious targets for environmental protection. We are continuously working to reduce our ecological footprint - with a particular focus on climate protection and the circular economy.
Workforce: A common corporate culture in which every person is valued is what we share with our employees worldwide. We create an environment that enables all employees to contribute to the long-term success of the company, develop their potential and feel at home at Wirthwein.
We are aware of our responsibility
For us, sustainability is a driver of innovation, but also a commitment to ecological, resource-conserving action. Every component is the result of sustainable product development and every process is designed to avoid waste. Our employees are specialists who continuously develop their expertise and pass it on across generations. With passion, social commitment and conviction, we develop projects together with our customers, taking ecological and economic aspects into account.
With our sustainability strategy, we address the key UN goals for sustainable development.
Based on the key issues of sustainability for Wirthwein and the results of the materiality analysis, the five aspects of sustainability form the framework for our activities in the coming years.

The five aspects of sustainability at Wirthwein

Our corporate principles, the Wirthwein Code of Conduct and expectations towards our partners
As an international market and technology leader for advanced plastics technology, we see it as our duty to harmonize the impact of our actions with the expectations of society, far beyond the legal requirements and duties of care. As a company, we have set out these obligations in our Corporate Principles and Code of Conduct.
- Corporate principles
- Code of Conduct
- Declaration of principles for compliance with human rights and environmental due diligence obligations
In addition, we expect our business partners to share our values and commit to upholding them. This framework is defined in the Code of Conduct for Suppliers.
Compliance with laws, regulations and internal guidelines is our top priority. We can only protect our company, our employees and our business partners if we act in accordance with the law and with integrity.
We shall not tolerate violations of laws or our principles.
No human being is without mistakes. For this reason, we live an open error culture, try to identify potential misconduct as early as possible and use our whistleblower system to ensure that these can be pointed out to us as a company - either registered or anonymously.