The first responder group of the DRK local association Nieder-Ramstadt/Traisa, also known as "Voraushelfer Mühltal", is a voluntary, honorary and locally organized first responder group. In an emergency, they drive to the emergency site and bridge the time until the rescue service or emergency doctor arrives. In this way, the first responder team can treat patients and injuries at an early stage. They take on a life-saving function in the rescue chain with their commitment.
The team works hand in hand with the rescue services, fire departments and police. Not only are the patients treated on site, but their relatives are also cared for at the emergency scene. The first responders work on a voluntary and unpaid basis. The project is financed exclusively by donations. The donations are used, for example, to buy protective clothing, emergency vehicles and equipment.
In 2022, the first responders were deployed in 108 emergencies - also in the plants of Wirthwein Medical. The injured employees were very happy and grateful for the fast first aid. "Such a great voluntary effort cannot be taken for granted. Fast treatment can save lives. We are very happy to have the voluntary "Mühltal first responders" here in town," emphasizes Dr. Thomas Jakob, Managing Director of Wirthwein Medical GmbH & Co. KG. He continues: "That is why we would like to support the project with a donation of € 1,000."